Cuộn dây loa AmazonBasics 16-Gauge Speaker Wire - 100 Feet

( 1 )
Giá bán: 264.859 Đ
Giá cũ: 288.959 Đ
Bạn tiết kiệm: 24.100 Đ (8%)
Thanh toán bằng điểm: 11 điểm
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100 Feet of 16-gauge speaker wire

Connects audio speakers to your A/V receiver or amplifier

The plastic jacket around the speaker wire helps to deliver high-quality undistorted signals to and from all of your audio equipment

One side of the wire is marked with a white line, making it quick and easy to distinguish the polarity and get your audio system set up properly

Comes wrapped around a hard plastic spool that makes dispensing convenient and easy





I ordered this wire not having high expectations based on how much you get and how cheap it is. When I opened the package I was very impressed, it is great wire. It was 36 degrees in my shop when I started using the wire and it was still very flexible. Polarity is easy to tell, there is a very defined black stripe on one side. I would highly recommend this for a high end system to run mids powered by an amp. It's way more than what I expected for my low power boat speakers.
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