AmazonBasics Tripod Mounts for GoPro

( 2 )
Price: 88.929 Đ
List price: 96.400 Đ
save: 7.471 Đ (8%)
Price in points: 4 points
1 item(s)
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  • Tình trạng hàng hóa
An tâm mua hàng
Cam kết nhập hàng chính hãng từ Mỹ. Hoặc hoàn tiền 200% nếu sai cam kết.
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Cam kết giá rẽ nhất
Cam kết giá rẽ nhất, sẽ giảm giá thấp hơn những nơi nào bán rẽ hơn.
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Cam kết thời gian
Vận chuyển
+ Hàng kho VN: 1-2 ngày
+ Hàng kho US: 7-14 ngày
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An Amazon Brand.

Tripod mount and quick-release tripod mount

Easily attaches GoPro camera to any standard tripod

Compatible with all GoPro cameras including GoPro Hero, Hero 2, Hero 3, Hero3+, Hero 4, Hero 4 Black, Hero 4 Silver, Hero+ LCD, Hero 4 Session, and HERO6

Quick-release function for easily moving between shots and locations

Camera and tripod sold separately





Made my life so much easier. Took one star off (or at least half) since I had to really over-tighten the the casing into the mount. The adapter prongs aren't thick enough to snugly fit into the casing (I hope that's making sense). I was afraid I might crack the adapter.
Would have gave it three stars then I realized it only broke after a volleyball hit it and broke it. The go pro one seems to be stronger but I abused this one and it only broke when a nice hit took it out. Would buy it again.
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