Đồng hồ Apple Watch Series 3 Nike+ - GPS+Cellular - Space Gray Aluminum Case with Black/Pure Platinum Nike Sport Loop - 42mm

Giá bán: 11.893.591 Đ
Giá cũ: 13.255.000 Đ
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Thanh toán bằng điểm: 494 điểm
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The Apple Watch Series 3 is the third-generation model of the Apple Watch with dual core S3 processor and WatchOS4

Series 3, built in GPS and electronic SIM - stay connected while leaving your phone behind

Make calls, send texts, stream music, set reminders and get notifications from your favorite app-all with just your watch.

Water resistant up to 50M - can be used for shallow-water activities like swimming in a pool or ocean

Apple Watch Series 3 (GPS + Cellular) requires an iPhone 6 or later with iOS 11 or later. Apple Watch and iPhone service provider must be the same

Heart rate sensor, altimeter, Accelerometer, and gyroscope, direct Fire speaker and microphone


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