Sony DSCWX350 18 MP Digital Camera (Black)

( 1 )
Price: 7.505.704 Đ
Price in points: 312 points
8 item(s)
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Cam kết nhập hàng chính hãng từ Mỹ. Hoặc hoàn tiền 200% nếu sai cam kết.
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Cam kết giá rẽ nhất, sẽ giảm giá thấp hơn những nơi nào bán rẽ hơn.
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Cam kết thời gian
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+ Hàng kho VN: 1-2 ngày
+ Hàng kho US: 7-14 ngày
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8.2MP photos from afar with the 20x zoom camera that fits in your pocket. There’s also ultra-smooth recording that minimizes shake while shooting on the move, perfect for video lovers. Like taking shots in near darkness but hate disturbing the mood with a flash? The Exmor R CMOS image sensor harnesses lots of light to make candlelit moments really shine.

20x Optical/40x Clear Image Zoom G Lens

Keep your subject in focus with Lock-On AF

Simple connectivity to smartphones via Wi-Fi w/ NFC3

Motion Shot Video traces subject movement

4K quality still image output via HDMI2

Sweep Panorama mode (up to 360)

Picture Effect for more expressive photos





Very easy to operate. Great pics
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