Ống Kính Zeiss Ikon 100mm f/2.0 Makro Planar ZE MF Macro Lens (Canon EOS-Mount)

Thanh toán bằng điểm: 22 điểm
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+ Hàng kho VN: 1-2 ngày
+ Hàng kho US: 7-14 ngày
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With the introduction of the Makro-Planar T* 2/100, Carl Zeiss expands its existing ZE line of lenses for EF-mount cameras. Owners of EOS camera models can now create detail-rich macro images that allow the effective use of both sharpness and unsharpness to be deployed as creative elements. These fast, versatile lenses are also perfect as standard focal lengths for portraits or still life photography. Even in tricky lighting situations such as dusk, the Makro-Planar T* 2/100 creates distortion-free images thanks to its extraordinary fast aperture. Whether capturing an insect resting on a flower or the moisture on a piece of fruit, these lenses allow a degree of sharpness that was hitherto impossible. Even with a maximum aperture opening and a low focal depth, the desired image can be easily isolated from its surroundings. The macro lens renders objects in close-up on a scale of 1:2. To enable such detail, this lens includes Carl Zeiss's acclaimed "floating elements" design. This special lens alignment enables high optical performance across the entire focusing range, from 0.44m to infinity.

Lens Shade

Front & Rear Lens Caps

Type ZE (EF) Bayonet Mount

2-Year Zeiss Limited Warranty


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