Aveeno Baby Soothing Relief Moisturizing Cream 8oz Tube

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Giá bán: 203.645 Đ
Giá cũ: 241.000 Đ
Bạn tiết kiệm: 37.355 Đ (16%)
Onncom Wholesale
Thanh toán bằng điểm: 9 điểm
50 sản phẩm
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Fragrance And Paraben Free, Relieves Dry, Sensitive Skin, Moisturizes For 24 Hours

UPC: 381371165643

Case Pack Information: 12 Units (min order 1 case )


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We have used this lotion for both of our kids, one is an infant and one is over 3 years old. They both seem to have sensitive skin so Aveeno was the best chance at avoiding any additional issues. I still use it for my 3 year old's face especially in the winter because it holds in moisture to her skin much better than the other products we have used. I like that there is on scent to it especially for the face because babies can be sensitive to smells as well. This bottle lasts a decent time and it's a good size. Easy to get the lotion out due to the design so I don't feel like we're leaving any behind and wasting it when it gets close to the end. I would recommend.
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