Canon PowerShot ELPH 180 (Silver) with 20.0 MP CCD Sensor and 8x Optical Zoom

( 1 )
Giá bán: 3.463.652 Đ
Giá cũ: 3.723.932 Đ
Bạn tiết kiệm: 260.280 Đ (7%)
Thanh toán bằng điểm: 144 điểm
21 sản phẩm
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+ Hàng kho VN: 1-2 ngày
+ Hàng kho US: 7-14 ngày
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Make the most of special occasions with the Canon Powershot ELPH 180 HS Digital Camera. Capture your favorite moments in stunning 720p HD video. Plus, you won't get behind on the action with smart auto selects to find the proper settings.

8x Optical Zoom with Optical Image Stabilizer helps you capture images with flexibility and ease

20.0 Megapixel CCD sensor combines with the DIGIC 4+ Image Processor to help deliver stunning image quality

720p HD video capabilities

Smart AUTO intelligently selects the proper settings based on predefined shooting situations

Digital IS helps reduce the effect of camera shake and subject movement

Scene Modes such as Fisheye Effect, Toy Camera Effect and Monochrome provide creative freedom to capture your photos





Working great...having fun with the zoom!!
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Available additional product options

Canon PowerShot ELPH 180 (Red) with 20.0 MP CCD Sensor and 8x Optical Zoom - 7%
Giá cũ: 3.723.932 Đ Giá bán: 3.463.652 Đ

Available additional product options

Canon PowerShot ELPH 180 (Red) with 20.0 MP CCD Sensor and 8x Optical Zoom - 7%
Giá cũ: 3.723.932 Đ Giá bán: 3.463.652 Đ