Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water 13.5oz (Oily Skin)

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Giá bán: 285.826 Đ
Giá cũ: 361.500 Đ
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Onncom Wholesale
Thanh toán bằng điểm: 12 điểm
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No Rinse, No Harsh Rubbing, Oily Skin Even Sensitive, For Face, Lips And Eyes, Removes Makeup, Purifies Pores
UPC: 603084497058

Case Pack Information: 12 Units (min order 1 case )


Dành cho:
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Dung tích:
13.5 oz



I love these cleansing waters. Take my waterproof makeup off quickly without rubbing - primarily mascara. It did come with only 1/3 of the water left in the box and the packing was not good and it spilled all over the remaining products in the box that were shipped with it. I received am immediate credit and ended up buying it locally in order to eliminate that from happening again.
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