( 2 )
Giá bán: 13.302.940 Đ
Thanh toán bằng điểm: 552 điểm
39 sản phẩm
Sản phẩm sẽ giao đến địa chỉ quý khách
vào khoảng ngày nếu quý khách thanh toán trong hôm nay.
  • Tình trạng hàng hóa
An tâm mua hàng
Cam kết nhập hàng chính hãng từ Mỹ. Hoặc hoàn tiền 200% nếu sai cam kết.
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Cam kết giá rẽ nhất
Cam kết giá rẽ nhất, sẽ giảm giá thấp hơn những nơi nào bán rẽ hơn.
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Cam kết thời gian
Vận chuyển
+ Hàng kho VN: 1-2 ngày
+ Hàng kho US: 7-14 ngày
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HERO4 Black takes Emmy Award-winning GoPro performance to the next level with our best image quality yet, plus a 2x more powerful processor that delivers super slow motion at 240 frames per second. Incredible high-resolution 4K30 and 2.7K60 video combines with 1080p120 and 720p240 slow motion to enable stunning, immersive footage of you and your world. Protune settings for both photos and video unlock manual control of Color, ISO Limit, Exposure and more. Waterproof to 131’ (40m) with 12MP photos at 30 frames per second and improved audio, HERO4 Black is the ultimate life-capture solution for those who demand the best.

What's in the box?
- HERO4 Black Camera
- StandardHousing131’(40m)
- Skeleton Backdoor
- Rechargeable Battery
- Curved Adhesive Mount
- Flat Adhesive Mount
- Quick Release Buckles
- 3-Way Pivot Arm
- USB Cable

Professional 4K30, 2.7K60 and 1080p120 video, 720p240 video for super slow-motion playback and 12MP photos at up to 30 frames per second

Built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth® support the GoPro App, Smart Remote and more

Improved camera control and built-in video trimming lets you create and save short video clips right on your camera

ProtuneTM with SuperViewTM delivers cinema-quality capture and advanced manual control for photos and video with the world's most immersive wide-angle field of view

Night Photo and Night Lapse offer customizable exposure settings for nighttime shooting





Love it !
LOVE this little camera! I shoot in homes, cars, on drones, etc. this camera can do it all. A tad expensive for something this tiny, but I have for sure gotten my moneys worth out of it!
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