GoPro HERO5 Black w/ Chest Mount, 3-Way Grip and SD Card

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Giá bán: 11.245.687 Đ
Thanh toán bằng điểm: 467 điểm
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Cam kết nhập hàng chính hãng từ Mỹ. Hoặc hoàn tiền 200% nếu sai cam kết.
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+ Hàng kho VN: 1-2 ngày
+ Hàng kho US: 7-14 ngày
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GoPro HERO 5 Black

GoPro Chest Mount Harness

GoPro 3-Way Grip, Arm, Tripod

Samsung 95MB/s (U1) MicroSD EVO Memory Card with Adapter 32 GB





Very nice product, I bought one for each of my children/adults and they love using them! Highly recommend this GoPro!
Was scared at first 'cuz it displayed so many errors and wonkiness. Later found out it was due to an incompatible memory card, but you wouldn't have guessed it from the behavior. After replacing the memory card with a good one, it works very well. I use it all the time. It's so simple and takes great video. Battery life is short but I bought a backup and it lasts us enough. Took it in the ocean, bath, pool, rain.

Should have standard tripod mounts and a standard external mic input, so you'll need adapters. Their mic interface requires a $50 gopro mic if you want professional quality audio.
Had to replace the first one because it would not accept the recommended SD card. Very inconvenient granted it was right before vacation. I would recommend the 04, especially due to the price.
I just got back from a week of SCUBA diving with this camera. It worked well (with underwater housing). The camera is so small that it is hard to hold. I ended up putting it in an underwater housing so I could attach a small tripod to hold on land. Underwater I used both the head strap and a hand held grip. The hand grip worked better to produce smoother video. The battery that came with this camera failed after just 2 uses. It shows 100% charge in the charger but will not activate the camera. Good thing I purchased spare batteries and an external charger.
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Giá bán: 10.201.675 Đ
GoPro HERO5 Black - 29%
GoPro HERO5 Black
Giá cũ: 10.770.772 Đ Giá bán: 7.596.137 Đ

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Thêm vào danh sách yêu thích Thêm vào danh sách so sánh
Giá bán: 10.201.675 Đ
GoPro HERO5 Black - 29%
GoPro HERO5 Black
Giá cũ: 10.770.772 Đ Giá bán: 7.596.137 Đ