GoPro HERO6 Black w/ Underwater Dome and Floaty

( 2 )
Giá bán: 15.236.724 Đ
Thanh toán bằng điểm: 633 điểm
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  • Tình trạng hàng hóa
An tâm mua hàng
Cam kết nhập hàng chính hãng từ Mỹ. Hoặc hoàn tiền 200% nếu sai cam kết.
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Cam kết giá rẽ nhất, sẽ giảm giá thấp hơn những nơi nào bán rẽ hơn.
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Cam kết thời gian
Vận chuyển
+ Hàng kho VN: 1-2 ngày
+ Hàng kho US: 7-14 ngày
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1 of GoPro HERO6 Black

1 of AmazonBasics Underwater Dome Port for GoPro HERO5, Yellow

1 of GoPro Floaty (GoPro Official Accessory)





I love this new GoPro Hero 6!!! This camera is fantastic for any kind of activities outside.
I purchased this camera on an impulse buy because I had purchased the hero 5 last year. I wanted to have the best and got the hero 6. I returned it after the first time I used the Hero 6. First off, none of the features work on standard computer equipment and software. The “new features” they added to the Hero 6 compared to the Hero 5 need to be ran by special software and computers. I have a windows 10 i7, 16 gigs of ram and I still can’t play back video. Seems like this camera was made for apple users and professionals. For the average user the hero 5 is the way to go. It is almost impossible to use the new features they added. Not a good move in my opinion. I returned the hero 6 and I am sticking with my Hero 5.
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Available additional product options

Máy quay phim và thẻ nhớ GoPro HERO6 Black and Samsung 32GB Memory Card with Adapter - 8%
Giá cũ: 13.303.200 Đ Giá bán: 12.235.792 Đ
GoPro HERO6 Black w/ 3-Way Grip, Battery and Memory Card - 9%
Giá cũ: 17.467.420 Đ Giá bán: 15.905.740 Đ
GoPro HERO6 Black - 2%
GoPro HERO6 Black
Giá cũ: 13.180.772 Đ Giá bán: 12.920.492 Đ

Available additional product options

Máy quay phim và thẻ nhớ GoPro HERO6 Black and Samsung 32GB Memory Card with Adapter - 8%
Giá cũ: 13.303.200 Đ Giá bán: 12.235.792 Đ
GoPro HERO6 Black w/ 3-Way Grip, Battery and Memory Card - 9%
Giá cũ: 17.467.420 Đ Giá bán: 15.905.740 Đ
GoPro HERO6 Black - 2%
GoPro HERO6 Black
Giá cũ: 13.180.772 Đ Giá bán: 12.920.492 Đ